Hello Everyone,
I know I am off track but I
really wanted to share some thoughts on how to manage stress. I know we are too
busy and stressed in our current life style. Even Weekends are busier than
weekdays... Especially for Moms with small kids, so in this blog I will try to
put some points which may help you in managing the stress...
So here you go...
What stress means…..
Stress can come very
unexpectedly as a result of events that we have no control over such as
tragic and unexpected events both in personal and professional front. Stress is the body’s
automatic response to any physical or mental demand placed on i.e. either have
Fight or Flight response to this stress. What I mean by this is either we try
to run away from work / responsibilities to we try hard to complete things
in hand... and get more stressed.
Is Stress Bad or Good
Moderate levels of stress
may actually improve performance and efficiency
Too little stress may
result in boredom
Too much stress may cause
an unproductive anxiety level
“It is your attitude, not your aptitude, which determines your altitude.”
--Zig Ziglar
Type & Effect of
Physical/ Chemical
Intense Exertion
Manual Labour
Lack of Sleep
Drugs, Alcohol, Caffeine
Emotional/ Mental
Anger, Guilt
Loneliness, Fear
Worry, Anxiety
Long work hours
Physical/ Chemical
Weight gain/loss
Unexpected hair loss
Heart palpitations
High blood pressure
Emotional/ Mental
Mood swings
Can lead to depression
Can also lead to unhealthy coping strategies (i.e. alcohol,
drugs, etc.)
Strategy to Manage Stress
ABC Strategy
What causes you
How do you react?
How much can you cope with
before it becomes negative?
What can you do to help
yourself combat the negative effects of stress?
Adjust Your Attitude
Tips to Adjust your
All in your Mind: It’s all in mind, if your mind thinks right, you
will feel better, you will be fruitful in your work and without getting
stressed you will finish your work in time.
Address Your Fears: This is very important point, We think negative, we
get stressed however we never think why are we stressed is it because of some
fears like getting scolding from your boss, feeling guilty about
not completing your responsibility or you need good grades and you
have not studied enough. Hold on and think about it for a minute. If you
address your fear there is a chance that you might also find the right way to
address these fears. You will also understand that some fears
are exaggerated by our mind without a reason.
Connect with Others: Once you know your fears and the reason of the
stress, sometimes it is important to share it with someone. Having friends who
listen to you is a god’s gift. You don't need hundred friends but having just
one friend who will stand by you forever is enough. I do know I am talking
idealistic but trust me, what we can do it have one friend in office with whom
you share all office gossip and issues you have to take advice from him/her.
Have one friend who will be there to share the personal issues let it be fights
you have at home or how to handle kids. Once you start sharing you will
understand everyone has similar issues just different shades so you can guide
each other easily.
Review you’re Time Management: If you are mom, you will know that 24
hours are not enough and whatever you do the task list is never done... Trust
me you will not go through it unless you prioritize. Once you learn how to
manage your time, you will have some relief and may be time for
Let it GO: Very important thing, we mom wants everything to be perfect,
we want to be perfect mom, daughter, and wife etc. etc... However, you know
what that may also create stress how about we try and let it go some time. Just
think about it, if you do not cook dinner coz we were working late in the
office on important presentation... do you feel guilty that you did not cook
dinner for your husband? If yes then you have to stop being perfect all the
time... in this case, you should just let it go... eating something out
of fridge for one day will not make you bad wife.. Think that
you completed your important presentation and you are ready for next day at
Eat Breakfast: Very simple suggestion but we do not follow it, do
we?? You need energy to handle all chores, to run behind your kids and to work
hard in the office.
Dress Up: Always dress up nice :) when in bad mood, get
freshen up and dress up put on some make-up... trust me it works like miracles...
Managing Stress some tips:
Changing perceptions and expectations
Break jobs/tasks into manageable parts
Set reasonable/realistic goals
Avoid procrastination
Set boundaries
Don’t compromise your values/beliefs
Schedule “me” time
Laugh it Loud
Sing a Song
When we talk to someone about our feeling they can be of below
category :) choose them wisely...
"I "If you don't like something change it; if you
can't change it, change the way you think about it." - Mary Engelbreit
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